Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29th, 2008
10 months today! Matthew has been gone 10 months- it sounds crazy to hear myself say that.......I honestly could not comprehend or even imagine what this day would be like. When someone you love is gone from your life in an instant you can not comprehend a future without them. All you have ever known is your life with this person in it. Man--I miss him and it seems like yesterday that I talked to him last. I know each day I get closer to seeing him again. I look at his beautiful face and I know some people may see just another user...I look at him and I see the huge tree God has placed around him and all the fruit it is bearing from his life and what God is doing thru his death. Milestone dates like today are difficult, but I know tomorrow will be better!!


Michelle said...

Keep truckin girl! Your brother would be so proud of how you have turned his death into something so positive and helpful to so many others! you Rock!

Brandy said...

I feel your pain... the 5 year anniversary of my best friend's death is coming up soon. Its nice to know that other people can see that God works through death! Thanks and keep your head up!!!

Shellee said...

ditto to Michelle. Jesus never saw people as who they were but as who they could become in Him! You are proving that the purpose of Matthew's life was much greater than the days he was given here! Your faith is inspiring! Love ya girl!