Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Picture from Halloween 2008.

2/25/2009- When are you coming home??????

Michael has been gone Since Sunday and I feel like he has been gone a month. He went on a hiking trip to Big Bend. I think they added an extra day since last year. I guess he thinks he gets the golden pass to go every year now...I will have to think about that one.

Every time Michael leaves for a trip, something dramatic happens around the Ikerd house. Usually it is the horror of lice, but this time he must have put a different spell on was the pin worm!! YUK!YUK!YUK! Nattalee was the lucky member this time, usually Ella is the special contestant. Now I have decided this is much better than Lice- because all that is required is a pill and constant laundry- very little from me. Nattalee on the other hand - has said all week that she would rather have lice any day over these nasty worms in her anus. We (Nattalee and I) did some research on the pin worm to figure out how she got this- what it does and how to get rid of it. They say the internet can be dangerous - well for an 8 yr old - it is! She read words like eggs, anus, long- well I don't need to say anymore- but as she read those words the worse the situation got. At about 7:30 the past couple of nights she turns into a mad woman- screaming and yelling - THEY ARE PINCHING ME!!!!GET THEM OUT!! NOW!!THEY ARE CRAWLING OUT MY ANUS HOLE!!! I know this sounds horrible- I try not to laugh- then of course I feel so sorry for her because she can not get relief until she passes out from exhaustion. Needless to say I am ready for Michael to come home - because of course the minute he comes home the curse is lifted.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Did you just say anus on your blog? Sorry things are crazy...Ella absolutely cracks me up on Wednesday nights at church!